Asset Management City of Martinsville Water Utilities
Select Facility from List
Water Filtration Plant | WTP
Bethel Lane Tanks | BLT
Wastewater Treatment Plant | WWTP
Beaver Creek Reservoir | RSR
Reservoir Pump Station | RPS
Tanks Street Tanks | TST
Grandview Tank | GVT
New York Tank | NYT
Industrial Park Tank | IND
Summit View Tank | SVT
Beaver Creek Dam | BCD
ID(> 1 char)
Facility Name
Facilities Function
Water Filtration Plant
302 Clearview Drive
7.8 MGD Capacity
Asset Name
Finish Water Discharge Cutoff Valve #1
Water Plant Main Property | WTP0001
Main Building | WTP0002
No1 Finish Pump Gould | WTP0003
No 2 Finish - American Marsh Pump | WTP0004
#3 Finish - Flowserve Pump | WTP0005
#4 Finish Allis Chambers Pump | WTP0006
#5 Finish Crane Demming Pump | WTP0007
#1 Wash water Allis Chambers Pump | WTP0008
#2 Wash Water Allis Chambers Pump | WTP0009
#1 Alum Fiber Glass Tank | WTP0010
#2 Alum Fiber Glass Tank | WTP0011
Caustic Tank Fiber Glass | WTP0012
Alum Pumps 2 Wallace and Tiernan diaphram pumps | WTP0013
Caustic 2 Pumps Wallace and Tiernan | WTP0014
HDPE HypoChlorite Tanks(2) ClearWater Inc Assmann Corp | WTP0015
HypoChlorite Daytank and Scale | WTP0016
HypoChlorite Feed Pumps 5 | WTP0017
Pumps to create suction to start split case pumps | WTP0018
Smith Cast iron Boiler Series 19A-S/W-7 | WTP0019
Lovibond Filter Turbidity Meters and Raw Scatter Meter | WTP0020
Scada System | WTP0021
Inline Chlorine Analyzer ChemTrec | WTP0022
Bench Top Turbidity Meter | WTP0023
Streaming Current Monitor | WTP0024
#1 Filter Roberts Dual media | WTP0025
#2 Filter Robers Dual Media | WTP0026
#3 Filter Roberts Dual Media | WTP0027
#4 Filter Robers dual Media | WTP0028
#5 Filter Roberts Dual Media | WTP0029
Clearwell #2 | WTP0030
Generator Building | WTP0031
Switch Gear Cabinet | WTP0032
Maintenance Shed | WTP0033
Water Plant Utility Shed | WTP0034
Air Compressor Ingersol Rand | WTP0035
Meter Vault Raw Flow meter | WTP0036
Settling Basins Concrete Structure | WTP0037
Roof Structures for Basins #1 and #2 with Walk ways | WTP0038
Flash Mixer | WTP0039
#1 Flocculators Philadelphia Mixer | WTP0040
Fluoride Bulk Tank and Containment | WTP0041
Fluoride Transfer and Feed system | WTP0042
Lime Feeder Accrison | WTP0043
Chemical Feed Tanks and pumps | WTP0044
#1 Sludge Lagoon | WTP0045
#2 Sludge Lagoon | WTP0046
Lime Building | WTP0047
Gorman Rupp Portable pump | WTP0048
Sludge Collectors for Settling Basins | WTP0049
#2 Flocculator Philadelphia Mixer | WTP0050
#3 Flocculator | WTP0051
#4 Flocculator | WTP0052
Front Gate | WTP0053
Bridge | WTP0054
Clearwell #1 | WTP0055
Clearwell #3 | WTP0056
Elevator | WTP0057
Finish Water Discharge Cutoff Valve #1 | WTP0058
Finish Water Discharge Cutoff Valve #2 | WTP0059
Finish Water Discharge Cutoff Valve #1 | WTP0058
Asset Criticality
1 (critical repair/replace immediately)
2 (Repair/replace within 2 days)
3 (replace/repair within 1 week)
4 (can be idle for short period)
5 (can be idle for extended period)
1 (critical repair/replace immediately)
0 (excellent)
1 (good)
2 (fair)
3 (worn but usable)
4 (poor needs replacement)
0 (excellent)
Removal of bonnet for valve repairs. All functional parts located within bonnet.
Asset purpose
Shutoff for repairs inside plant
Front of plant near entrance door
16 inch
July 2021
Useful life
Replacement cost
Expected replace/renovation year