Asset Management City of Martinsville Water Utilities
Select Facility from List
Water Filtration Plant | WTP
Bethel Lane Tanks | BLT
Wastewater Treatment Plant | WWTP
Beaver Creek Reservoir | RSR
Reservoir Pump Station | RPS
Tanks Street Tanks | TST
Grandview Tank | GVT
New York Tank | NYT
Industrial Park Tank | IND
Summit View Tank | SVT
Beaver Creek Dam | BCD
ID(> 1 char)
Facility Name
Facilities Function
Water Filtration Plant
302 Clearview Drive
7.8 MGD Capacity
Asset Name
Meter Vault Raw Flow meter
Water Plant Main Property | WTP0001
Main Building | WTP0002
No1 Finish Pump Gould | WTP0003
No 2 Finish - American Marsh Pump | WTP0004
#3 Finish - Flowserve Pump | WTP0005
#4 Finish Allis Chambers Pump | WTP0006
#5 Finish Crane Demming Pump | WTP0007
#1 Wash water Allis Chambers Pump | WTP0008
#2 Wash Water Allis Chambers Pump | WTP0009
#1 Alum Fiber Glass Tank | WTP0010
#2 Alum Fiber Glass Tank | WTP0011
Caustic Tank Fiber Glass | WTP0012
Alum Pumps 2 Wallace and Tiernan diaphram pumps | WTP0013
Caustic 2 Pumps Wallace and Tiernan | WTP0014
HDPE HypoChlorite Tanks(2) ClearWater Inc Assmann Corp | WTP0015
HypoChlorite Daytank and Scale | WTP0016
HypoChlorite Feed Pumps 5 | WTP0017
Pumps to create suction to start split case pumps | WTP0018
Smith Cast iron Boiler Series 19A-S/W-7 | WTP0019
Lovibond Filter Turbidity Meters and Raw Scatter Meter | WTP0020
Scada System | WTP0021
Inline Chlorine Analyzer ChemTrec | WTP0022
Bench Top Turbidity Meter | WTP0023
Streaming Current Monitor | WTP0024
#1 Filter Roberts Dual media | WTP0025
#2 Filter Robers Dual Media | WTP0026
#3 Filter Roberts Dual Media | WTP0027
#4 Filter Robers dual Media | WTP0028
#5 Filter Roberts Dual Media | WTP0029
Clearwell #2 | WTP0030
Generator Building | WTP0031
Switch Gear Cabinet | WTP0032
Maintenance Shed | WTP0033
Water Plant Utility Shed | WTP0034
Air Compressor Ingersol Rand | WTP0035
Meter Vault Raw Flow meter | WTP0036
Settling Basins Concrete Structure | WTP0037
Roof Structures for Basins #1 and #2 with Walk ways | WTP0038
Flash Mixer | WTP0039
#1 Flocculators Philadelphia Mixer | WTP0040
Fluoride Bulk Tank and Containment | WTP0041
Fluoride Transfer and Feed system | WTP0042
Lime Feeder Accrison | WTP0043
Chemical Feed Tanks and pumps | WTP0044
#1 Sludge Lagoon | WTP0045
#2 Sludge Lagoon | WTP0046
Lime Building | WTP0047
Gorman Rupp Portable pump | WTP0048
Sludge Collectors for Settling Basins | WTP0049
#2 Flocculator Philadelphia Mixer | WTP0050
#3 Flocculator | WTP0051
#4 Flocculator | WTP0052
Front Gate | WTP0053
Bridge | WTP0054
Clearwell #1 | WTP0055
Clearwell #3 | WTP0056
Elevator | WTP0057
Finish Water Discharge Cutoff Valve #1 | WTP0058
Finish Water Discharge Cutoff Valve #2 | WTP0059
Meter Vault Raw Flow meter | WTP0036
Asset Criticality
1 (critical repair/replace immediately)
2 (Repair/replace within 2 days)
3 (replace/repair within 1 week)
4 (can be idle for short period)
5 (can be idle for extended period)
1 (critical repair/replace immediately)
0 (excellent)
1 (good)
2 (fair)
3 (worn but usable)
4 (poor needs replacement)
2 (fair)
Asset purpose
Influent meter
In front of Lime building
Useful life
Replacement cost
Expected replace/renovation year