Asset Management City of Martinsville Water Utilities
Select Facility from List
Water Filtration Plant | WTP
Bethel Lane Tanks | BLT
Wastewater Treatment Plant | WWTP
Beaver Creek Reservoir | RSR
Reservoir Pump Station | RPS
Tanks Street Tanks | TST
Grandview Tank | GVT
New York Tank | NYT
Industrial Park Tank | IND
Summit View Tank | SVT
Beaver Creek Dam | BCD
ID(> 1 char)
Facility Name
Facilities Function
Wastewater Treatment Plant
801 Wind Dancer Lane Ridgeway, VA 24148
Treats Wastewater for Martinsville and Henry County
Process Code
Asset Name
Transformer Platform Bank at Maintenance Bldg
Main Building | WWTP_BLDG_0002
Electric Control Building | WWTP_BLDG_0006
Mainatenance Shop | WWTP_BLDG_0014
Generator | WWTP_BLDG_0025
Boiler(Heat source for main bldg) | WWTP_BLDG_0038
Automatic Transfer Switch Main Feed | WWTP_BLDG_0039
Transformer | WWTP_BLDG_0040
Transformer Platform Bank at Maintenance Bldg | WWTP_BLDG_0041
Transformer Overhead Bank for Sludge Bldg | WWTP_BLDG_0042
Influent Sampler, Automatic | WWTP_DE_0021
Effluent Sampler, Automatic | WWTP_DE_0022
WasteWater Plant Scada | WWTP_DE_0033
Lab Equipment | WWTP_DE_0039
Sodium BiSulfite Storage | WWTP_DIS_0007
Post Aeration Basin/Aerator | WWTP_DIS_0023
Chlorine Contact tank #1 | WWTP_DIS_0034
Chlorine Contact tank #2 | WWTP_DIS_0035
Chlorine Contact tank #3 | WWTP_DIS_0036
Bisulfite Tank No. 1 | WWTP_DIS_0048
Bisulfite Tank No. 2 | WWTP_DIS_0049
Chlorine Feed System | WWTP_DIS_0050
Post Aerator | WWTP_DIS_0051
Bisulfite Feed Building | WWTP_DIS_0052
Property | WWTP_LND_0001
Wind Dancer Lane | WWTP_LND_0002
M and N Step Screen | WWTP_PRE_0003
Primary Pump #1 | WWTP_PRI_0001
Primary Pump No.2 | WWTP_PRI_0002
Primary Pump No. 3 | WWTP_PRI_0003
Primary Clarifier #1 | WWTP_PRI_0004
Primary Clarifier #2 | WWTP_PRI_0005
Grit Pump | WWTP_PRI_0026
Primary Pump Station | WWTP_PRI_0040
Primary pump inverter 1 | WWTP_PRI_0041
Primary Inverter 1 | WWTP_PRI_0042
Primary Inverter 2 | WWTP_PRI_0043
Aeration Lagoon | WWTP_SEC_0008
Secondary Clarifier #1 | WWTP_SEC_0009
Secondary Clarifier #2 | WWTP_SEC_0010
Secondary Clarifier #3 | WWTP_SEC_0011
Secondary Pump Station | WWTP_SEC_0012
Return Pump No1 | WWTP_SEC_0013
Return Pump No 2 | WWTP_SEC_0014
Return Pump No. 3 | WWTP_SEC_0015
Waste Pump No.1 | WWTP_SEC_0016
Waste Pump No. 2 | WWTP_SEC_0017
Drive system(Secondary Clarifier 1) | WWTP_SEC_0030
Drive system(Secondary Clarifier 2) | WWTP_SEC_0031
Drive system(Secondary Clarifier 3) | WWTP_SEC_0037
Low Speed Mixer No 1 | WWTP_SEC_0041
Low Speed Mixer No 2 | WWTP_SEC_0042
Low Speed Mixer No 3 | WWTP_SEC_0043
Low Speed Mixer No 4 | WWTP_SEC_0044
Aerator Number 11 | WWTP_SEC_0045
Aerator Number 12 | WWTP_SEC_0046
Aerator Number 13 | WWTP_SEC_0047
Aerator Number 14 | WWTP_SEC_0048
Aerator Number 15 | WWTP_SEC_0049
Aerator Number 16 | WWTP_SEC_0050
Aerator Number 17 | WWTP_SEC_0051
Aerator Number 18 | WWTP_SEC_0052
Non Potable Pumps | WWTP_SEC_0053
Return Pump Inverter 1 | WWTP_SEC_0054
Return Pump Inverter 2 | WWTP_SEC_0055
Small Towmotor | WWTP_SHD_0002
Large Towmotor | WWTP_SHD_0003
Solids Handling Building | WWTP_SHD_0015
Ashbrook Belt Press #2(Rear) | WWTP_SHD_0016
Ashbrook Belt Press #1 (Front) | WWTP_SHD_0017
Blower Building | WWTP_SHD_0018
Sludge Digester 1&2 | WWTP_SHD_0019
Sludge Digester 3&4 | WWTP_SHD_0020
Sludge Mixer | WWTP_SHD_0024
Centrifugal Pump(Sludge Pump number 2) | WWTP_SHD_0027
Centrifugal Pump(Sludge Pump number 3) | WWTP_SHD_0028
Gravity Thickener | WWTP_SHD_0029
Lime Silo | WWTP_SHD_0032
Conveyor Belt Assembly(Sludge) | WWTP_SHD_0033
Transformer Platform Bank at Maintenance Bldg | WWTP_BLDG_0041
Asset Criticality
1 (critical repair/replace immediately)
2 (Repair/replace within 2 days)
3 (replace/repair within 1 week)
4 (can be idle for short period)
5 (can be idle for extended period)
2 (Repair/replace within 2 days)
0 (excellent)
1 (good)
2 (fair)
3 (worn but usable)
4 (poor needs replacement)
3 (worn but usable)
Asset purpose
Electricty for Maintenance and some Aerators
Near Maintenance Bldg
250 KV
Useful life
Replacement cost
Expected replace/renovation year